शनिवार, 7 दिसंबर 2019

Dear sijuka                   Where do I start? I don't know. Yes, I definitely believe that I am probably like Auro just when I think of you I always remembered the film Vivah. Perhaps you have also seen, I always felt that love would be like this. Just nowadays the definition of love has changed, now do not think that I want to impress you by writing a love letter in Hindi, no man, I am not thinking like that, just want to tell you one thing, then thought go back a little in 1960-65, Devananda, Shammi Kapoor, Vyjayanti Mala, Madhubala, must have seen the love story of many films, if the pigeon was not found, it would have gone but you think that the pigeon cannot give freedom (freedom), what will I give you, so thought letter It's ok to write              Speaking to you, I am not afraid that you will speak, why do you know The sister has already said that she wants to be single, This is a very big thing, maybe he told you. But still I am saying that there is a history of love that the king Maharaja types like that, God may be writing above that, he will say, "Brother, Abhishek loves you then Vaishali. The two lines have not been spoken and I have lived all my life." Keep blaming. Now do not think that I am expressing love just to show history and God or not. How can I tell you love? How can I tell this life without you, You are that golden lady in the morning How to hide this thing from you. I know you do not like poetry, but if someone loves me, if I love you by changing me the way I do, that love is not a bargain, and love is not a bargain. I thought a lot, I had a lot of dreams, I have a yes and no but I know you do not have any hope but you have a lot. I do not love you as much as I love Ma. Really love my mother but the love you have is different

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